Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My arm hurts, & my legs are tight

If you play baseball from the age of 13-21 then there is a high probability that you have encountered what I like to call a delusional ball player. It seems to me that every pitcher always adds 3-5 Mph to their fastball when they are asked how hard they throw, and every position player runs an entire .5 of a second faster 60 yd dash. In my opinion there are two very sad reasons to why players lie. The first is that they feel inadequate with their current skills and think that by lying to teammates, coaches, and even parents they will be more liked as a player. The sad thing about these players is that they live their entire careers coming up with excuses to why their performance does not add up to what they say about their talent. We all know that pitcher that always says something hurts, one day it is their shoulder and another day is their elbow. My favorite excuse is "my arm feels tight today", who would have thought that running and stretching does not work for everyone. The second might be the scariest of the two, and that is that the player truly believes they are as good as they say they are. It amazes me sometimes when I spot one of these players, no matter what proofs are shown to these guys they whole heartily believe in what they say. They are usually the over dressed ones with all the matching arm bands, sexy batting gloves, all the top of the line equipment. Just like everything that is part of a grand scheme, these players are part of baseball, and without them their would not be the the repetitive jokes about them behind their backs, after practices and games. The worst is when one of these guys is new to your team and he looks the part. The entire team gets excited and then they watch him take BP or throw off a mound.

When asked about your talents do not feel defensive about it. The best answer is always I am not sure, I have never been clocked. Believe me this will allow for a much easier transition into a new team. And please DO NOT lie about your previous stats, you can find anything on the internet these days.

"I don't compare em, I just catch em" Willie Mays
Sticks #11

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